Tulsi Tea

Crafted from the finest holy basil (tulsi) leaves, Tulsi Tea promotes relaxation and helps reduce stress, making it the perfect way to unwind after a long day. Not only does our Tulsi Tea taste delicious, but it also helps boost your immune system, thanks to its potent antioxidants. Plus, the perfect balance of sweetness and spice will leave your taste buds wanting more with every sip.


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To create a delightful cup of Tulsi tea, start by boiling 100 ml of water. Then, measure out 1 1/2 teaspoons of the fragrant tea leaves and add them to the water. Allow the mixture to steep and release its wonderful flavors, resulting in a truly satisfying and rejuvenating experience.


Dry Tulsi (holy basil) Leaves, Dry Ginger, Cardamon, Palm Sugar.

Why Kaaya?

On a mission to offer easy, all-natural, plant-based Indian and Sri Lankan cuisine, blending taste, wellness, and innovation for your healthiest life.


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